Practice 1

practice 1
My name is Sohir Gaber. I work as a kindergarten teacher, in EL- Minya, Egypt. After attending the Intercultural Citizenship Education Training Program with Mr. Najeh Hosni Attending an international cultural exchange.
I implemented activities in my kindergarten class using the activities that were trained with Mr. Najeh especially in identity and support.
Identity in light of the indicators of the sustainable development plan
Identity is the set of characteristics, traits, values, civilization, culture and ideas that make up a personality and distinguish it from others. Identity in light of the indicators of the sustainable development plan
Identity is the set of characteristics, traits, values, civilization, culture and ideas that make up a personality and distinguish it from others.
Identity is affected by many factors, including the environment, culture, experiences, our language choices, and personal outlook.

Firstly, (Who Am I) Activity:
Personal view
It is writing everything that characterizes the character in general and practical in terms of private and personal.
This activity was activated with kindergarten children, but by drawing, coloring and pasting posters that express their identity and who they are, thus creating an atmosphere of creativity, brainstorming, and freedom of expression.
Secondly, the Avatar activity:
Impressions and their impact:
It is each individual who writes a description of the character, through each individual drawing a picture of him and writing his name, then giving it to his colleagues to write on it a specific trait they found in it.
Activate this activity with kindergarten children by drawing the character and writing a description of this character and then talking about this character in order to urge the children to provoke thinking.

These activities have strengthened and supported the national identity of our students, as our coach Najeh Hosni trained us on how to teach our children in our schools the values ​​of intercultural citizenship and to promote the philosophy of culture for sustainable professionalism and cognitive empowerment to create a diverse and sustainable professional community, based on professional competencies in professional training, and based on that It is incumbent upon us to unite and strive with all our energy to serve the good of our society.
I extend my thanks, appreciation and respect to our coach, Mr. Najeh Hosni, and everyone who contributed to the success of this program.