Practice 1

practice 1
Place Tissint village, province of Tata, Morocco.
My name is Hassan Addi, youth worker and president of Friends of Peace association, which is a member of the Moroccan ALF network. I implemented an activity at the local primary school.
I coached members of Friends of Peace association to lead a trash cleaning campaign at the school and the surrounding area. They also raised awareness about climate change and environment among students and urged them to best practices such as: no lettering and more trees planting. Our members are secondary school students, boys and girls. As the are is dry and rain is scarce, it is important to educate the younger generation to take care of the environment, as a civic behaviour, important for intercultural education and sustainable development.

practice 2
Empowering young women in our rural area.
The activity took place in the Youth center of Tissint, Tata, Morocco.
It was a workshop about intercultural issues from the perpective of young women. Members of the association shared ideas about intercultural dialogue, culture shock and conflicts and discussed solutions such as critical thinking, tolerance, acceptance of difference. 50 girls benefited from the workshop, which was an opportunity to discuss gender issues in rural areas.