Practice 1

Assessing my realm of control and influence
Working Intentionally to achieve inclusion
-Indetifying achoice point: Where are the decision-making opportunities I am involved in that can affect racial equity outcomes?
-Asses impact: What decisions/actions am I involved in that reinforce the status quo, implicit bias and current racial inequities
-Generate options: What are the alternative actions I have influence over that could produce different outcomes
-Decide action: Which possible actions from the work we do, will best advance racial equity and inclusion?
​-Change habits: What reminders, supports and accountability systems can be structured into our routine practices to keep equity as a high priority?
1-Identify my point of choice
2-Awareness and evaluation of my impact
3-Think, create and generate options
4-Identify and decide on the action
5-Identify the habits and patterns of interruption

*The space you're in right before you make a decision
1-Identify my choice point*
Am I involved in any decision-making opportunities that could have an impact?
2-Awareness and assessment of my impact
Am I involved in any decisions or actions that reinforce the status quo, implicit bias and current racial inequities?
3-Think, create and generate options
Do I have presently influence or power to decide on an alternative action that can produce different outcomes?
4-Identify and decide on action
Are there actions in the work we do that have been agreed, or can be resourced, or we have experience in that could be thought of in the context of advancing racial equity and inclusion?
5-Identify habits and interrupt patterns
If we want to make equity one of our high priorities is there reminders, supports or systems that we can structure in our routine practices that will hold us accountable?